LoanPig offers you the ability to borrow money online, helping you with any financial difficulties you may currently be facing. When you apply to borrow money online, you are able to receive money straight into your bank account within minutes of applying, allowing you to resolve any financial issues you’ve been having as soon as possible. As a both a direct lender and broker, we can connect you with our lending partners to help provide you with a wider variety of options, with higher approval rates when you borrow money. You can choose to borrow money from £50 all the way up to £1500, while stating how long you want the repayment to be over with a repayment term of your choice between 1 – 12 months. If granted, we can approve your application to borrow money online the very same day, often with the money reaching your account within minutes of approval.

Click apply now and we’ll do our best to find a way for you to borrow money online straight away.

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Why Might I Need To Borrow Money Online?

We have a wide variety of customers from a range of different background, who come to us to borrow money for a wide array of different reasons. This could be from unexpected expenses, immediate maintenance repairs and unforeseen bill payments. Whatever the reason, we’ll do our best to approve your application so you can borrow money online. Even so, you should not borrow money if you are experiencing any kind of long term financial issues, and our loans are better suited to those who are having more of a short term problem. Individuals struggling with a temporary financial crisis can benefit hugely when they borrow money online, but these loans aren’t suitable for individuals struggling with long-term debt or money concerns. If you unsure as to whether you will have the capacity to pay the money back according to the agreed schedule, or you feel your finances are insecure, perhaps this is not the most suitable option for you.

Why Choose LoanPig To Borrow Money?


One of the many great things when you borrow money in the UK is that they can be sourced for a variety of different reasons. Once you receive the money you have applied to borrow, you can use it however you would like, covering any emergency immediate costs you may have.

As responsible lenders, we have to ensure that your motivation when you borrow money can be supported by your finances. As we work to FCA guidelines, along with our panel of lenders we can connect you with, your application will be subject to a full credit check and careful assessment of your finances. As part of our commitment to transparency with your application, we work to several rules:

– LoanPig charges a maximum interest of 0.8% per day.

– LoanPig can only charge a one-time late penalty fee of £15.

– LoanPig ensures that customer will never pay more than double the amount they borrowed.

If we can approve your loan application, you can expect a quick pay out and the exact financial support you need in an instant.

LoanPig 149% loans

Am I Eligible To Borrow Money In The UK?

All applicants who desire to borrow money online will be required to prove their affordability through an income assessment and credit check. If you are approved, you’ll either complete your application with us, or through one of our lending partners’ own website.   To be eligible borrow money in the UK, you will need to:

– Be a current UK resident.

– Be at least 18-years-old.

– Have an active bank account and valid debit card.

– Either be in permanent employment or receiving some form of disability/living allowance or a pension.

As a broker, LoanPig uses a panel of lenders, who are often prepared to lend to clients who have a low credit score. When you borrow money in the UK, all loan applications are subject to a full credit check, but your credit score is not the only criteria used for consideration. If you have any further concerns regarding prior financial difficulties, you have a bad credit rating or have never borrowed before, you don’t need to worry, we will be assessing your current affordability, rather than dwelling on the past. The funds you receive when you borrow money can provide a lot of flexibility when it comes to what loan amount you wish to have. Allowing up to £1500 for a maximum of 12 months, this can vary between lenders, which is why when you apply, we’ll match you to the best lenders when you apply to borrow money online.

The Stages When You Borrow Money In The UK

Step 1 – Application

To begin the process to borrow money in the UK, you must always begin with an application. Fill out our online application, let us know how much you need, and how long for. You will also require to provide us with some further details about you and your current situation.

Step 2 – Decision Process

After submitting your information, you’ll receive a decision on the very same day. We’ll provide you with our decision, along with multiple options for your installment loan, so you can alleviate any difficulties you may be having for the time being.

Step 3 – Payment

When you have accepted the loan and agreed to all of the attached conditions, the money will be sent directly to your bank account. The length of time this takes may vary, but many customers receive their installment loans within 10 minutes of signing the agreement.

How Much Would You Like?

Representative example: Borrow £300 over 3 months @ 292% pa (fixed) Total repayment: £457.95 in 3 monthly payments of £152.65. Representative 1261% APR.

Borrow Money Online FAQs

When I Borrow Money, Can I Choose To Repay Early?

When you borrow money online with LoanPig, you are entirely able to settle your balance early. Before doing so, you will need to check your agreement to ensure there are no early repayment fees that apply. Most of our lenders we are able to connect you with will accept an early settlement.

Can I Apply To Borrow Money If I Have Bad Credit?

If you wish to borrow money online without a credit check, this is simply something LoanPig is unable to offer. No responsible lender can allow you to borrow money without a credit check as this is needed to ensure you are not in financial difficulties. If you have the affordability, there is every chance you can successfully apply and get the funds you need with a poor credit score.

If your credit check reveals you have bad credit, we can still help. Even with a poor credit score, it is entirely possible to apply to borrow money online. If you are in the midst of an emergency situation, the last thing we want to do is enhance your current problems. Instead, at LoanPig we like to improve our customers’ quality of life, with a hassle-free process that only takes into account your current financial situation, rather than penalising you for prior mistakes. Our loans are for applicants who can prove their affordability, so bad credit won’t automatically mean you will be declined. If you have been declared bankrupt, are in a debt relief order or have an IVA on your credit file, we will not be able to accept your application. All applicants are required to have a credit check performed as part of their application, but this isn’t the only factor when providing a decision.

How Long Before I Can Apply To Borrow Money Again?

When you borrow money online from LoanPig, this should be a short term solution to any financial issues you are facing. Even so, if you do find yourself in a situation where you need to borrow money and have already taken a previous loan out with LoanPig, it is entirely possible that you are able to borrow again. The criteria for borrowing after your first loan with us includes you having already successfully paid off your previous loan, which will then automatically make you eligible to apply for another, up to £1500. Even so, several other factors depend upon this. Repeat borrowing will require a credit check to assess your affordability at present, so we can ensure that your financial circumstances have not changed between your last loan and your most recent application.

Please note, we do not and never will encourage customers to borrow money more than they can afford to pay. We recommend only applying to borrow money to help you in an absolute financial emergency.

Is Borrowing Money Right For Me?

FCA regulated payday loan lenders are there to help you resolve any immediate financial issues you may be experiencing. If you are unable to support yourself through your own means, this may be the right loan for you. We provide essential funding for situations that arise unexpectedly and can be a lifechanging for some who use them appropriately. One of the first things you should do before applying to borrow money is think about whether or not you actually need it. Those who need to pay for something considered time-sensitive could benefit greatly from taking one out, as long as you can afford to repay it.