The Benefits of Regulated Payday Lenders

We have seen a distinct change in the last few years when it comes to the perception of short term loans. While previously certain lenders gave payday loan companies a bad name due to their ridiculously high interest rates and unfair deals, the regulations that were put

How To Save For Your First House

Saving for your first house Saving for your first house for many young people seems like an impossible task. Faced with huge student debts, low paying entry-level jobs or internships and continually soaring house prices property can be a daunting prospect. However, with

How Taking Out A Short Term Loan Can Help You This Christmas

Can a Short Term Loan Help Me? Christmas is one of the busiest times of the year, and to no surprise, a lot of money is expected to be spent this year. While some people may begin saving for a few months for their Christmas shopping money, sometimes emergencies can crop

The Difference Between Short Term Loans & Instalment Loans

The Difference Between Short Term Loans & Instalment Loans When you’re searching for short term finance, it can be difficult to know exactly what you’re looking for. Payday, instalment and short term loans can be used interchangeably on the market. In fact, they

Taking Control Of Your Finances

Taking Control Of Your Finances There are a number of ways that can influence you taking control of your finances... Whether it’s a New Years’ resolution or you’re simply looking to save a little bit of cash for the future. Such as, a new house or car. No matter

Rebuilding a Bad Credit Rating: Go it Alone or Get Help

If you have a bad credit rating, or even if there are just inaccuracies on one of your credit reports (you do have three - one with each of the major credit reporting companies) making the decision whether to try to repair your credit yourself and save money or hire an

Can Young Drivers Ever Score Cheap Car Insurance Rates?

If you are a young driver getting your driver's license can be very exciting and actually getting your hands on your own car is even more exciting. What is not so great about this coming of age rite is the price of young drivers car insurance. The Problem with Car

The History of Money: How the Humble Bank Card Changed the World

The History of Money: How the Humble Bank Card Changed the WorldBank cards - both ATM and debit cards - have changed the way that people bank, as well as the way they spend their money. But where did the idea come from? In the Old Days Years ago if you wanted to deposit

15 Easy – and Painless – Ways to Save for Tomorrow

You know that you should be saving more of your money, whether it's for a specific goal (a new house, a new car, a nice holiday) or just for a rainy day. In fact, you know that everyone should have a savings account that has more than a couple of quid in it. And you do