5 Ways You are Wasting Money You Can Stop Today

(Updated for 2019) There always seems to be too much month and not enough money doesn't there? Those last few days before you get paid are often far harder than they should be. But you make decent money, where's it all going? Excellent question. And sadly, if you are

1 Month Loans – What They Are and How to Find Them

Taking out a loan from a loan company for just a month may seem a  little strange at first but it is something that more and more people are choosing to do. Although these short-term loans are fairly easy to find and to obtain - even if you have bad credit - you really

Credit Repair Credit Cards – Are They Real? Do They Work?

If you are concerned about your credit score and want to improve it chances are that you have done some research into just how you can do that. And along the way, you may have come across the phrase “credit repair credit card”. But does such a thing really exist or

Top 7 Credit Score Tips for Everyone

A lot of the issues that surround credit scores and credit reports can be rather confusing to say the least. But the one thing that most people know is that the higher their credit score is the better their chances of getting a mortgage, a car loan or a credit card with

Understanding What Creditors See on Your Credit Report

(Updated 5/3/2018) Your credit report. You know it's important - you've heard it enough after all - but until people actually look at one they rarely understand what lenders see. And if their credit rating - that pesky numerical value that seems to hold some much weight

Why APR isn’t a Good Indicator of Value for Short Term Loans

If you have only ever heard one thing about short-term loans - sometimes also known as payday loans - it's probably that the interest rates charged are astronomically high in comparison with other types of loan. It's a narrative that is repeated a lot, but one that is

Your Credit Rating is Important – So Here’s How You Repair It

As most people are very well aware, having a good credit rating can open up a lot of opportunities for you. You can get a loan to buy a house or a car, get a good credit card that has a low rate of interest and a decent rewards program and you are generally seen as a

Payday Loans Without A Credit Check?

Payday Loans No Credit Check? So is it still possible to get a payday loan without a credit check? It's not a simple question to answer but we'll have a go filling in the details. In short the summary is it's increasingly hard to get a payday or short term loan with no