Christmas On A Budget
There’s no need to spend a fortune on the festivities, here are some top tips for enjoying Christmas on a budget. It may seem obvious, but the sooner you start preparing, the less stressful December will be. Sort out everything you need to do before the festive period starts and break it down into manageable chunks.
Write A List
Write a list of everyone you need to buy presents for and set a price limit – then purchase things online, using offer sites and discount codes. That way, you can keep to your budget but it looks as if you have spent much more.
Homemade Festive Cards and Decorations
Decorations don’t have to cost a fortune – the various pound shops really are your friend here. Homemade decorations can add a retro look (remember those paper chains and snowflakes cut from white paper?) and little ones will love contributing to the festive fun.
The same goes for Christmas cards, family love a bit of homemade sparkle. Kids will love painting or even printing patterns using a potato, on card, then making up Christmas rhymes for loved ones.
Baking Presents
Why not spend time instead of money baking cakes and biscuits, then decorate them with icing, the kids will love to help you and a personalised biscuit or cake is much better than a bought one.
Christmas Food
It’s easy to get caught short on a festive supermarket shop. Your purse will thank you if you start shopping now for what you need. Stock up on non-perishables like canned and frozen food a couple of items at a time in the run-up to the big day – you’ll find that spreading the cost over the next 6 weeks will help. How often have you left it until the week before Christmas to start your shopping and realised you haven’t budgeted, or an unexpected bill has come in? Then your only option is to borrow money to tide you over until payday in January? Plan your shopping now, buy a couple of things each week in the run up, then if something does happen at least your covered for food.
Aldi and Lidl seem to be the best for Christmas dinner on a budget but don’t think you are compromising, just because it doesn’t have the familiar label you recognise doesn’t mean it won’t taste just as good!!
Christmas Treats
Christmas treats like visiting Santa or a trip to see a panto are wonderful for children, but there are cheaper alternatives to the shopping centre’s and big-name productions. Local community events often are just as good and are often a fraction of the price.
Keep an eye on the Heating
Fuel bills will rocket as the temperature plummets, and this can be a source of stress for many at this time of year. Layer up with jumpers, socks and thermals is a start, blocking draughts under doors will also combat the winter chill.
Look out for those cheap fleece blankets that can keep you really warm and can go over duvets or snug on the sofa, snuggling under layers of blankets with the kids or partner to watch telly is a great way to keep warm.
Christmas Shopping
Voucher codes and flash sale sites can be a godsend for doing Christmas on a budget, so keep your eyes peeled, and be sure to check out our freebies and giveaways blogs in the coming weeks. If you’ve got some time on your hands, check out your local charity shops, and don’t be afraid to ask for freebies or discounts when shopping this time of year – lots of retailers work on commission so the they’ll be keen to make a sale.