Christmas Debt Worries

Do You Have Christmas Debt Worries?

It’s just over a month to go until the big day, but do you have Christmas debt worries already? Are you worried that your pay packet at the end of this month won’t cover the cost of Christmas?

Are you thinking that the only way to get through the festive period is to take out a payday loan and pay it back in one go in January or even a short term loan and pay it back over 3 or 6 months?

Did you take out a loan last year? if you did and you need one this year there are many alternative loan companies available to you. You could choose MyJar alternative loans or a Quickquid alternative loan, or if you prefer Wonga Loans alternative, not to mention a MyJar loan alternative. If this is the only avenue open to you, their are many payday loan alternatives or short term loan alternatives open to you.

A Gift For Everyone?

If you think you are going to be short this Christmas, cut back on some of the gifts you give to friends, colleagues and family. They’ll understand the situation you are in, because chances are they will be in the same position as you. You won’t have to not buy anything at all, just look at buying gifts that couples or families can share, instead of something each.

Christmas Is For Children

Half the money you save by not buying everyone a Christmas present this year can spent on making your children’s Christmas a lot more special. You might be able to buy them that new bike, dolls house or Xbox one game they have been asking about, without having to go into more debt, or taking out a short term loan with a direct lender.

It’s Only One Day

Remember, Christmas is one day a year but to your kids, it’s the best day of the year, one they’ll remember for years to come, but you know exactly when it is!!!!!, so next year, put a little money away each month and it might not come as such a surprise next year!!!!!

So when you get to December next year, you’ll be glad that you have saved all year and can afford to have the best Christmas for you and your family without having to take out a payday loan or a short term loan.